I amaze myself at how easily amused I must be. At how much I literally suck at creating things people will pay for. Don't get me wrong, I am AWESOME at creating free things people will stand in line to obtain.
Sooo, I am seeking either a rich dead [the will must leave most of your assets to me] Uncle, and/or an alive but generous soul. When all is said and done I don't need ALL that much, a few million ought to cover it. Or say, oh, a couple thousand bucks for starters. Checks, money orders, and cash all accepted.
I'd like to say there's something in it for you, but we'd hate to lie.
Or you could come play at our zyngo park and win money, we've given away over 12,000 linden today in our instant win machines - not counting contest boards - and we aren't a place for high rollers - well at least until the rich uncle part steps in :)
I'm feeling broke, can you tell?!
And oh yes! I put out another swim suit. It's pink. I forgot I hated pink, however it's "ummm yummy" as one of the guys on the beach told me :)

If you WANT the job as rich uncle just let us know!
Until then we'll keep making things and having fun - cause in our case it "ain't about the money, honey" ---- obviously :)
Wish you well,